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We’ll meeting again after the summer break


Here’s a final round up of what the Crochet & Knitting Friendship Group is up to:

Kimberley has just completed her magnificent crocheted shawl. She’s already started her next project, a ‘UK double and UK treble alternating’ cardigan. We love the pattern it’s making on the sleeve.

Mike is re-doing his shawl, to ensure it looks right.

Barbara mentioned the patchwork project we found out about from intoBodmin’s website. Ann said she was thinking of having a go. I suggested she could convey how her sister-in-law came to visit for two weeks but stayed for several more! Ann said her friends can top that; they went to South Africa for a wedding and were stuck there for weeks and weeks! Barbara and Trevor have produced a square for the patchwork project and Barbara completed one on behalf of Julia, who thought the idea of grey clouds summarised the lockdown period quite well.

Ann suggested that if there are 30 squares to be sewn together, Brenda could possibly do 15 at a time and then join them. We’ll know the final number soon, as the deadline if July 19.

Jackie and Mike heard the bell from St Petroc’s bell tower ring in the first week of July, in honour of Bodmin Riding and Heritage Weekend. We hope we can celebrate it fully next year, with dressing up, a tipple of Tribute and a community picnic at the church, amongst everything else that usually happens in the town over the first weekend in July.

Barbara mentioned the church is re-opening for worship at 9.30am from Sunday July 12. Mike shared his view that you can’t go to a service and not sing. Unfortunately, you can with COVID-19! However, there will be Bible readings, prayers and an uplifting talk, so it will still be a lovely service and great to see many people again. The service will be recorded and uploaded later in the day.

Mike may have been joking, but you can never be completely sure, when he suggested we sit in bubbles, in our household and bubble, in church, to sing! Ann said we could have several ‘green houses’ erected in the church for household bubbles to sit in! I’ve seen a similar thing in a café in Holland, but I don’t think our finances will stretch to it!

Barbara mentioned that at a Quaker meeting the congregation gathers in silence and don't have hymns, prayers or sermons. Ann asked if any of us had visited a Quaker Church in a place called ‘Come to Good’ near Truro. It has a thatched roof and, without a ceiling inside, you see the underside of the thatch. Maybe the location should be called “Come to God” Ann mused!

We shared ideas for The Bodmin Way walks in August and Barbara warmly welcomed everyone from the group to come on any of the walks, with family and friends. Mike has committed to attending both walks on Mondays and Kimberley is hoping to attend the Caterpillar Walks on Wednesday afternoons. Another great suggestion from Ann - Why don’t you do the “Bodmin’s Well Trail?” – there are 7 wells. We all thought this was a great idea and an alternative offer. Barbara will look into it.

We hope we can meet in the Parish Centre in September, but we might have to bring our own hot drink in a flask! If all else fails, we can always continue our meetings on Zoom!



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