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Town and church fundraise together


Ending leprosy forever

Community partnerships manager for South Wales and the South West, Trevor Grant, joined the Bodmin Team Ministry's annual coffee morning, at Bodmin Methodist Church, on Friday 29th April, to raise funds for The Leprosy Mission. He shared the mission’s aim to eradication leprosy within the next 20 years. Working together it is an achievable and glorious goal.

Since 1982 leprosy has been curable. A lab in Nepal is carrying out pioneering work to develop an early diagnostic test for leprosy that will bring the disease to an end. The lab is at risk of closure due to damage caused by an earthquake of 2015 and it will not pass a government inspection. To save more people from leprosy, a new research centre is needed.

To end leprosy forever researchers, governments and sponsors are required. In the meantime, there is no reason why leprosy should result in disability if promptly treated.


Leprosy is the slowest growing bacteria.

It affects certain animals as well as humans, such as red squirrels, monkeys and armadillos.

In the UK it was widespread during the Middle Ages and its last indigenous case was in 1798.

Bodmin Team Ministry’s mission group organised the event and was delighted to see so many people at the coffee morning. £435 was raised (to date) on top of donations made directly to The Leprosy Mission.

Donations can be made at

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