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Sunday School Outing


Daymer Bay is the destination for St. Petroc’s Sunday School outing on one of the hottest days in late summer, 9 September 2023.

Running Football Musical hoops

Games allow children to be foxes chasing rabbits down a hole and frogs coming out of the water!

There’s time for cartwheels, team games, paddling, swimming, hola hooping, picnic lunch and lots of laughter. For some it was their first time at the beach and in the sea.

The short interactive talk calls for the creation of “sandfishes”.

The fish represent some of Jesus’ disciples who were fishermen. They followed Jesus and told others about him. Jesus calls us to do the same today. This led to the impromptu singing of a Sunday School classic “I will make you fishers of men.”

Sandfishes inspire sandflowers and sandmermaid Carrying hoops when it’s time to go home

Thanks to parents and children for coming along and to three Sunday School teachers, one of whom (with the blue umbrella) doubled up as the minibus driver.


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