Groups at St. Petroc's Church
Newcomers are very welcome at all our church groups.
You might like to get in touch first to double check that the group you want is happening!
Mission Focus Group
The group was formed in 2011 with the purpose of supporting mission work at home and overseas. It is open everyone in the Bodmin Team Ministry.
An initial project was to have a basket for donations to the Food Bank in our churches.
In St. Petroc’s, a bookcase, contains second-hand books which are offered in exchange for donation that is sent to support the work of the Anglican Church in Peru each time the fund reaches £100.
Wrapped shoe boxes, filled with activity items to occupy primary age children during the long summer holiday, are given to social services for distribution amongst local families on tight budgets.
Annual fund raising allows the group to support the work of the Leprosy Mission that works amongst the poorer parts of the world where leprosy is still an issue. Used stamps, unwanted coins from any country and postcards are collected for the mission.
Coffee mornings and social evenings raise funds for an orphanage and the education of children in Guinea Bissau, an orphanage and children’s education in Kenya, ShelterBox, Christians against Poverty and the Pioneer Ministry in Bodmin.
Mothers' Union meets at the Parish Centre on the second Thursday of the month at 2.30pm. .
The Crochet and Knitting Friendship Group meets between 10.30 and 12.30 at Shire House Suite every Wednesday. Join us for any kind of sewing and craft work. Free entry. Hot drinks, sweet treats and lunches are available.
The Bell Ringers meet at 8.45am for ringing before the Sunday service. The Tuesday practices from 7.30pm.
The Searchers meet on Zoom regularly, on Monday evenings, from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. If you'd like to explore the Bible and its relevance with others, along with the Christian faith in general, please feel free to join us. Someone in the group takes the lead and everyone is free to share their thoughts and experiences if they want to. Please contact Barbara Brittain via email to receive the Zoom link.

Trevor Grant from The Leprosy Mission with Pam and Marion after the morning service on 19th February 2023.